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Read: Titus 2:1-5

When you’re going through a tough season or facing a difficult choice, there’s something uniquely comforting about getting insight from someone who’s been in your position. 

Paul knew there was something special about using our lived experiences to influence others who are coming up in their own faith journey, which is why he guided Titus, a pastor of the early church, to lead the older men and women to live a God-honoring life so they could lead the younger people of the church to do the same.

This is less of an age thing and more of an experience thing. The model Paul is encouraging Titus to put into practice is what many call “discipleship” - those who have walked with God for a while should come alongside the ones who are starting out in their faith. 

The truth is, we can’t do it alone. From time to time, we all need support, help, and advice. If you’re new in the faith, seek those who have been around for a while. If you’ve been attending church for a while, seek opportunities to share with those new in the faith. You have something to offer, something they need. You can be that source of godly advice and friendship.

Prayer: God, thank you for your faithfulness. Give me opportunities to share my faith with others and to come alongside people who are new in the faith, to help them grow in their relationship with you. Amen.
