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10 Ways to Stay Connected This Year

As we celebrate the start of a new year, we’re here to give you a head start on ways to foster your connections in 2022!

Personal Growth
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In the past few years, you’ve probably continued to find new ways to stay connected to others. As circumstances around us have changed, it’s no surprise that the power of connection has pulled people through tough seasons. As we celebrate the start of a new year, maybe you’re planning to be more intentional about the connections you have with your church, with the people in your life, and with God. We’re here to give you a head start on ways to foster your connections in 2022!

Stay connected to LCBC

  • Follow along on social media

The easiest way to stay connected to our church is to follow us on InstagramFacebook, and YouTube, as well as regularly checking out

  • Sign up for weekly Need to Know emails

Each week we send out a Need to Know email that’s full of information, inspiration, and ways you can get involved around LCBC. Subscribe to get these emails sent right to your inbox, and never miss an opportunity for connection!

  • Check in for church

When you check in on the weekend when you’re attending a gathering, you’re giving us the chance to check in with you and your family and see how we can be caring for you throughout the week. Whether you use the About You section of the program at one of our locations or the LCBC App, we love when you connect with us so we can keep connecting with you!

Stay connected to others

  • Commit to relationship resolutions

Choose to be intentional with your relationships with others this year. Not sure where to start? Check out 15 Relationship Resolutions to Make This New Year.

  • Get in (or start) a Group

Groups are the perfect way to create intentional relationships with others—whether it’s for a set time, or for life! Check out fun and life-giving Groups that are available now at

  • Start serving

Serving gives you the opportunity to use your gifts and talents to help lead others to Jesus, but it also gives you the chance to start new relationships - with adults, students or even kids - that you may otherwise never have experienced. Jump into serving at your LCBC location or online!

Stay connected to God

  • Spend daily time with God

The best way to stay connected to someone is to spend intentional time with them, and the same is true of our relationship with God. Commit to spending 10 minutes each day reading your Bible and talking to God—you may be surprised just how impactful it can be!

  • Subscribe to A Song & A Prayer

Every day, LCBC sends out a video including a devotional and a worship song that you can use to meditate on and worship. It’s a simple way to grow closer to God daily! Subscribe to have it delivered to you via text or email each day.

  • Start a Bible Reading Plan

Did you make a resolution to read your Bible more, but you’re not sure where to start? Bible Reading Plans are an easy way to get into reading the Bible without feeling overwhelmed. There are a number of LCBC Bible Reading Plans that you can jump into right now! Pick one and start following along—it’s that simple!

  • Worship each weekend

Taking time to reset each weekend by engaging with a gathering will re-center your heart and mind towards Jesus. Whether you’re joining at a location in-person or through Church Online, spending time each week learning from God’s Word and worshiping him will strengthen your relationship with him.

No matter how you stay connected, we hope your new year is off to a great start and your relationships are thriving. How are you choosing to stay intentional with your connections this new year? Let us know how we can be praying for you by submitting a prayer online or through the LCBC App.

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