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2 Journaling Prompts to Help You Overcome Victim Mentality

No matter what unfairness you’ve had to endure, big or small, these journaling prompts can help us stay close to God and get back up.

Mental Health
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Our thoughts can be incredibly powerful. Over time, our thoughts can solidify as beliefs. Those beliefs then shape our identity, and our identity informs our actions. Essentially, your life moves in the direction of your strongest thoughts. 

Sometimes this can be a good thing, but other times our thoughts can wreak havoc and hold us back from the life God wants for us.  

One of the thought patterns that holds us back the most is known as victim mentality – and followers of Jesus aren’t immune. Proverbs 24:16 says “the godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.” We all experience pain in our lifetime whether we’re following Jesus or not, but it’s up to us how we handle that pain. 

No matter what unfairness you’ve had to endure, big or small, we can get back up with God’s help. And there are two journaling prompts that can help you start the conversation with God and invite him to pull you back up when you fall. 

2 journaling prompts to help you overcome victim mentality 

God's here to help you stand back up after your circumstances have knocked you down, and by simply talking to him, you can invite his help in your life. But you may not know where to start, and there might be some difficult feelings you haven’t fully processed yet.  

Luckily, God is a great listener. Journaling is a great way to get your thoughts and prayers out there, and these two will help you process the unfairness and pain you’ve dealt with in life and release them into God’s hands so he can help you move forward in hope and healing. 

1. “Why me?” 

Overcoming victim mentality requires us to get real and honest with God. You can’t move past something if you can’t talk about it, and God is a great listener. He can handle all of your feelings, no matter how raw. 

So, the first journaling prompt is to simply ask God, “Why me?”  

If you’re stuck in a victim mindset, you’ve probably been asking this question already. But have you ever taken it up with God directly? Ask him why. Write about whatever happened that hurt you, whether it was a rejection, a diagnosis, a breakup, an accident. Be specific about what happened and be honest with God about how it’s making you feel.  

Once you’ve gotten your feelings and hurts off your chest, it’s time to move on to the second prompt. 

2. “What now?” 

Just like the verse in Proverbs we looked at earlier, we will get knocked down – but with God’s help we can stand back up. But getting up requires us to ask the question, “what now?” As you process this question, write down the ways your circumstances have made you stronger. 

Maybe your pain has made you more compassionate. Maybe the toxic leadership you worked under taught you how to advocate for yourself. Maybe the loss you experienced helped make you more present for your loved ones. These are all ways God strengthens us, and it’s the key to getting back up again. 

So write down the ways you’ve grown through your dark seasons, and then thank God for doing that work in your heart. Your circumstances could have left you bitter, but instead God is building you back up stronger than you were before.  

By processing these two questions, you’ll set yourself on a trajectory toward triumph and healing. You’ll begin to break free from victim mentality and emerge victorious. The best part is you’ll have a great story to tell others about how God worked in your life and what he’s capable of in theirs.  

What if journaling isn’t enough? 

Pain on any scale can wear us down into a victim mindset, but significant trauma is much harder to work through. If you find these journaling prompts are especially difficult to work through, or the baggage you’re carrying is too much, there’s no shame in calling in additional reinforcements. 

Talk therapy is an incredible tool in helping us move past our trauma, and we’d love to get you connected with a mental health professional near you.  


The Bible is full of encouraging truth that can help us get past all kinds of mental hurdles. Here are some verses that can help you move forward from victim mentality.  


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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