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3 Ways to Stay Close to God When Entering A New Season of Life

Entering a new season can be stressful, scary, or nerve-racking. But God knows our hearts, and he wants to stay connected with us.

Personal Growth
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Whether you’re entering a season in your life that you’re excited about, or coming to terms with leaving a season you loved behind, transitioning into new seasons means experiencing changes to our day-to-day lives. A new baby, a big move, a job change, or a serious relationship can all bring big and small changes to our routines - but just because our lives are changing doesn’t mean our relationship with God has to change.

No matter what your new season looks like, here are 3 truths to remind you that God is still close and 3 ways to keep connecting with him through it.

1. Remember the Bible tells us there’s a season for everything

Seasons come and go - but it’s important to remember that whatever you’re experiencing right now, you’re in for a reason. Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 reminds us that there is a season for everything….read that again - everything! God knows your story, and he knows your seasons, so we don’t have to be ashamed as we transition our lives and our hearts to new journeys and habits. No matter where we are, God will be there with us, eager to hear from us in times of joy, sadness, confusion, excitement, and anything else we’re feeling.

2. Know that God cares more about our hearts than our habits

Having a solid daily routine for connecting with God is a great way to keep growing in our faith - but when we’re entering a new season of life, it may mean that routine needs to change a bit, whether it’s the time of day it happens, how much time we spend in that routine, or even how we find that connection. The good news is that God doesn’t care about our habits nearly as much as we do - he cares about the posture of our hearts above everything. So while it may be frustrating to us that we aren’t able to have our chair time in the mornings with a cup of coffee anymore, God is just as eager to speak to us on the drive home as we listen to worship music and spend time in intentional prayer.

3. Find your people - we weren’t created to go through seasons alone

There’s a reason that a big life change feels less scary when you have a friend or family member by your side. As people, we crave connection - with God and with others - especially when we’re in the middle of transitioning to a new season of life. Sometimes just having someone who can say, “I’ve been there” makes everything easier, and having people to point you back to God in the tough times can strengthen your faith. If you’re looking for people in the same life stage as you, check out the LCBC Group Finder and explore Groups where you can connect with people who have been where you are now.

There may be times in life when we can prepare for new seasons in life, but a lot of the time we’ll face new seasons totally unprepared - and that’s okay! One of the most important parts of prioritizing our relationship with God is recognizing that we have to be intentional about our time with him. Take time to talk to God about your new season and ask him to help you get back in the habit of growing close to him - he will meet you where you are.

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