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5 Reasons It's Worth It to Lead a Group At LCBC (Even If You're An Introvert!)

If leading a Group seems intimidating to you, check out 5 reasons why it may be worth it after all.

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Whether you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert - and whether you love being around people or enjoy your time alone (or both!) - we can all agree that as humans, we were built for connection with one another. It’s with this value in mind that we talk about the importance of Groups at LCBC - where 5-12 people can get together on a regular basis and talk about life and faith, rally around activities and interests, or just do life together.

Maybe you’ve never thought about it before, but every Group needs a leader - someone to bring everyone together and be the “glue” of the Group. And here’s a secret: you don’t have to be an expert on all things faith to lead a Group - you don’t even have to be an extrovert! If leading a Group seems intimidating to you, check out 5 reasons why it may be worth it after all.

1. You can make it your own - and have fun doing it!

Our Groups at LCBC aren’t just around specific subjects or studies - every Group looks different, and that’s because every one of us is different! Maybe your Group will meet around an activity, like cooking or watching movies. Or maybe you’ll dive into a book that you’ve been wanting to read and discuss for ages - and now you have the chance to lead others in that discussion! When you lead a Group around something you’re passionate about, it becomes less of a responsibility and more of an opportunity to look forward to. If you take the first step in starting the Group, it may be just the kind of Group someone else needs to get connected.

2. It's not a permanent commitment - it's a short-term opportunity

Life is busy, and the thought of adding another thing to your calendar can feel like a lot. But leading a Group doesn’t have to just be another commitment - if it really is a value add to your life, it’s something to look forward to, not dread. Plus, it’s not a forever commitment - Groups at LCBC are designed to happen on a seasonal basis, meaning your commitment to leading a Group is only for 6-8 weeks at a time, and the schedule that you create for your Group is totally up to you. Of course you can continue to lead if you’d like, but it’s never a requirement - and if you do lead again, it can be for a totally new Group and around a new topic or subject. You’re in control!

3. We'll set you up for success

Once you decide to start a Group, we’re here to help with all the details. Our Group Finder makes it easy for you to enter the details of the Group you’re leading and easy for others who are interested in your Group to find it and sign up. We’ll also equip you with the tools and resources you need to lead well - don’t hesitate to ask questions and get all the information you need from us to feel totally confident and comfortable leading your Group. We’re here to make it a great experience for you and everyone who joins you!

4. You can provide a safe space for connection

If you are an introvert, you know it can be a struggle to feel comfortable in some social settings. As a Group leader, especially a leader who knows what it feels like to be overwhelmed by others, you have the unique opportunity to use your empathy skills to create a comfortable space for other people to connect in a Group. Groups are people’s next steps to feeling needed and known, and by leading a Group you are leading that effort and providing a chance for someone to connect with others at our church and develop real friendships that will help them grow in their faith.

5. You can be a part of introducing someone to Jesus

Regardless of the topic or subject of your Group, every Group offers a chance to connect with others and pursue a relationship with Jesus. Your Group will give every person in it an opportunity to ask hard questions, find accountability in attending church, and love one another like Jesus does. What you see as a short-term decision to lead a Group could be what God uses to lead someone to Christ - imagine being a part of that story!


If you’d like to learn more about what it means to lead a Group at LCBC, or you’re ready to start the conversation around leading a Group, let us know! We’ll get you connected.


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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