We all face moments when life feels like a barren wilderness. Things like a job loss, a broken relationship, or an unexpected tragedy catch us off guard and leave us feeling uncertain, disoriented, and overwhelmed.
It’s in these moments that fear creeps in, whispering lies that we’ll never move forward. It leaves us feeling stuck in life, uncertain of God’s purpose in our struggle or our ability to overcome it.
But the Bible reminds us of a powerful truth: faith over fear is the key to navigating life’s hardest seasons. Let’s take a closer look at what that means and how choosing faith over fear is the key to moving forward when we’re feeling stuck in life.
How God taught the Israelites to choose faith over fear
The Israelites knew what it felt like to be stuck. After being freed from slavery in Egypt, they found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s approaching army. As one would expect, they became overcome with fear. All their faith and confidence in God was replaced with doubts and questions. Why did God bring them here? Would they even survive?
But in Exodus 14:13-14, Moses tells them:
“Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today...The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
God wasn’t leading the Israelites to their destruction. He was leading them through the wilderness to something greater.
The same is true for us! The situations that make us feel stuck may actually be where God is preparing us for what’s next.
Fear paralyzes. Faith moves.
When we let fear take control in our lives, we freeze. We stop moving, stop trusting, and stop believing that God's working. We stop looking to God and instead look for certainty - something we can't always have in difficult circumstances.
But faith isn’t about having all the answers. Quite the opposite, actually! Faith is about taking the next step regardless of our certainty in the outcome. It requires us to trust God just enough to keep going, even when we can’t see the outcome.
In Matthew 14:29, Peter took a step out of the boat to walk on water toward Jesus. But as soon as he focused on the wind and waves, fear overwhelmed him, and he started sinking. Like Peter, we often let our circumstances dictate our faith. But when we fix our eyes on Jesus instead of our fears, we can move forward even in the most difficult seasons.
How to choose faith over fear
So what does choosing faith over fear look like when you’re feeling stuck in life? Here are three simple steps you can take today:
- Talk to God about your fear. Be honest with him about what. you're worried about, and where you feel like that worry is holding you back. Like Psalm 34:4 says, “I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.”
- Take one small step. Faith isn’t about giant leaps. It’s about small, intentional steps forward. Whether it’s making a difficult phone call, applying for a new job, or setting boundaries in a relationship, each step is a declaration of trust in God.
- Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness. Look back at times when God has provided for you before. (If you journal, this would be a great opportunity to look back on some old entries!) If God was faithful then, he’ll be faithful now.
Stop feeling stuck in life and move forward!
No matter what has you feeling stuck in life, remember this: God has not abandoned you. He is leading you through this season and strengthening you along the way. Fear will always try to stop you, but faith calls you forward. Today, choose to take that next step, whatever it is. God is with you, and he is making a way.
If you’re struggling with fear right now, here are 3 questions you need to ask that can help you start to overcome it.
LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!