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How Do I Know What Career God Wants for Me?

Does your career path align with what God wants for your life?

Personal Growth
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Whether you’re just beginning your professional career or considering a change, it’s normal to wonder what job God wants you to have. Here’s how to get a better idea of the direction and calling God has for your life, and how your career can be a part of it. 

Career vs. Calling 

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that “we are God’s masterpiece,” created “so we can do the good things he planned for us.” Our career can certainly be one of the good works God created us for, but it’s only one piece of the puzzle. 

While we can certainly serve God with our careers, our true calling and purpose in this world is to follow Jesus and live like we belong to him, and we can do that in just about any career. Jesus laid out how to do that in two steps: love God and love others (Matthew 22:36-40).  

What career does God want for me? 

To determine which career path God may be steering you toward, you want to figure out how you can love God and love others with your vocation. But it’s a little more complicated than that. 

Let’s look at the career of nursing. Nurses are in a position to offer care and support to others each day – and caring for God’s creation is one way we can love God! But nursing also requires one to be good at math and science – areas we aren’t all skilled in.  

The career path God wants for you is the one where you can love him and his creation the way you're designed to. So, how do we figure out God’s design for us? 

Find your “SHAPE” 

Pastor Rick Warren breaks down some criteria for figuring out how God shaped you to make an impact in the world and live out his purpose for your life – a helpful concept that we’ve tweaked slightly: 

  • Your Skills 
  • Your Heart 
  • Your Abilities 
  • Your Personality 
  • Your Experiences 

Once you’ve identified each of these, you’ll have more clarity on the kind of work God created you for. 

Your Skills 

Your skills are the things you’ve been trained to do. When thinking about your skills, ask yourself the following questions: 

  • What degrees or certifications do I have? 
  • What am I uniquely qualified to do? 

Your Heart 

Your heart encompasses the things you’re passionate – what you love to do. These questions can help you identify your heart: 

  • If money didn’t matter, what would I love to do every day? 
  • What activities make me feel joyful and refreshed? 

Your Abilities 

You can be trained in something, but not enjoy it. You can do something you enjoy but not be good at it. Think about singers – anyone can be a trained singer, and anyone can love singing, but those two things don’t make a great singer.  

That's why your abilities are different – these are the things you’re gifted at doing. Gifting is where talent and passion combine. A gifted singer has both the talent and the passion for their craft. Here are some questions to help you discover your abilities: 

  • What do people notice that you do well? 
  • What comes easily to you that is difficult for others? 

God gives us unique gifts and abilities – and by diving into the Bible, you can learn more about yours! Check out this Bible Reading Plan about Spiritual Gifts.  

Your Personality 

There are all kinds of tests and quizzes out there that can tell us something about our personality – the way God wired each of us. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, competitive or laid-back, bold or shy, God gave you a unique personality. Here are some questions to help you learn more about your personality: 

  • Do you prefer a quiet night in with a good book or a loud party with friends? 
  • Would you rather teach a class or take a class? 
  • Do you like to be organized or are you okay with a little chaos? 

If you want to learn more about your personality, check out The Enneagram test

Your Experiences 

Whether by choice or by circumstance, your experiences help shape you into the person God made you to be. Your life experiences, whether positive or negative, can help you connect and relate with others. Here are some questions to ask yourself about your experiences: 

  • Looking back, what has been your favorite age so far? Why? 
  • If you could go back in time and do something over, what would it be? 
  • What was a challenging experience you had that ended up making you stronger? 

Your career matters – but not as much as you think 

While your career is an incredibly important decision, it isn’t the end-all-be-all for your life. Careers change. We may get some opportunities and be passed over for others. We are hired one day and could be fired another.  

Like most things in life, our career is temporary, but our God-given purpose is constant. On your career journey, remember to keep your identity in Christ at the forefront, for we are not what we do! Our careers may change, but God’s purpose for your life never will! 


Your purpose and your career can work hand-in-hand. Check out how to serve God with your career


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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