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How Much Should I Tithe?

Tithing isn’t just about a specific number – it's about reflecting your heart for God.

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The Bible frequently refers to tithing as giving 10% of what we earn. But tithing isn’t just about a specific number – it’s about reflecting your heart’s devotion to God and trusting him with every area of your life. It’s an act of worship that acknowledges God as our provider and reminds us that everything we have ultimately belongs to him. 

The most important thing is that our tithe comes from a place of faith, gratitude, and obedience rather than obligation. Let’s explore more about what that means and what it looks like in the way we handle our finances: 

What Does the Bible Say About Tithing? 

Tithing is taught in the Bible both in the Old and New Testaments. Here are the highlights: 

Tithing in the Old Testament 

A popular description of tithing is found in the Old Testament. Leviticus 27:30 says, "A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord’s, and it is holy."  

There's a misconception that tithing is giving our money to God, but this verse reveals the truth: our money isn’t really ours. It belongs to God. So in reality, tithing isn’t giving to God but returning our first and best to him. 

God’s people were called to demonstrate their dependence on him rather than on their money. As people gave their first and best of what God had provided back to him, they recognized that he was their ultimate provider, and learned to have reverence for him, depending on him for all their needs. 

Tithing in the New Testament 

In the New Testament, Jesus affirmed the practice of tithing. However, he emphasized that the heart behind it is what matters most.  

In Matthew 23:23, we actually see Jesus criticizing the religious leaders for being too legalistic with their tithe. They were technically doing the right thing, offering their first 10% of their income. But they were neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness – other key values that Jesus taught.  

Jesus didn’t want to see people just tithing out of obligation. He wanted them to tithe with a heart of gratitude and respect toward God in addition to pursuing justice, mercy, and faithfulness. 

Why does God want me to tithe? 

There are some reasons tithing matters so much to God, but they might not be what you expect! Here’s what we can learn in the Bible about why tithing is an important act of faith in God’s eyes: 

  • Tithing helps us put him first. Offering God our first and best reflects our trust that he is our provider. It reminds us to prioritize him over all else in our lives (Matthew 6:21). 
  • Tithing teaches love over legalism. God cares more about the heart behind tithing. He’s not looking for a dollar amount, but for love in our hearts for him. 
  • Tithing demonstrates faith. It takes faith to return the first 10% of our income to God. It takes no faith at all to give what’s last or left over. God desires our faith first and foremost.

Do I have to tithe 10%? 

Tithing, by definition, means returning 10% of what we’re given back to God – but God is more concerned with our heart and who our faith is really in. When done with a heart of gratitude and faith, God can do far more with our 90% than we can do with keeping 100% for ourselves! 

At the end of the day, God wants our tithe to be an act of faith. What matters most is that we’re tithing in a way that honors God and demonstrates that we trust he will provide for us. Here are some tips for figuring out what tithing looks like for you: 

  • Start with 10%: For many, starting with a goal of offering 10% is a good benchmark. 
  • Consider your situation: If 10% feels too difficult, talk to God about it. Tell him you’re willing and you need his help, and then start with whatever God leads you to start with. 
  • Pray for spiritual growth: Ask God to help you understand what you’re able to give and how to trust him with your finances (James 1:5). 
  • Look at what you have: Consider both your income and your living expenses. God will honor any sacrifice made out of a heart of love and obedience. 

What if I’m struggling financially? 

10% is a common starting point, but we can’t deny it's a scary number for a lot of people, and it requires faith. If you’re already dealing with financial strain, committing to tithing 10% can be daunting. If you’re facing financial hardship, you’ll find this story encouraging: 

In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus talks about a poor widow who gave what she could. Instead of comparing what she gave to the wealthier people who gave much more, Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the others who are making contributions. For they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she had to live on.” Even the smallest offerings can be powerful acts of trust.  

When it comes to tithing, faith is what matters most. Philippians 4:19 reminds us that “this same God who takes care of [us] will supply all [our] needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.” So give what you can and trust God to take care of you with the rest! 

We also recommend taking practical steps to resolve your financial situation. Groups like Financial Peace University are a great place to learn how to regain control of your money so you can direct it where God’s guiding you to! We also offer all kinds of Personal Finance Resources like personalized financial coaching and a Money Matters e-newsletter with practical tips and inspiring encouragement.  

Why should I tithe? 

Tithing isn’t really about money. It’s about reverence and faith in God. There are some pretty cool changes that begin in our hearts when we start trusting God with our finances. Here’s how you can expect your faith to grow through tithing: 

  • You'll get to partner with God’s work. When we tithe and give generously, we help fuel the mission of the local church and make an impact in our communities – that’s part of bringing God’s kingdom to earth! 
  • You’ll discover the joy in giving. Starting with the tithe can become the biggest blessing. And as you see the impact of putting God first, you’ll experience the joy of making life change possible. 
  • You’ll see God provide for your needs. God promises to provide for us when we trust him with our finances. While this isn’t a promise to make up for our missing funds or give us something in exchange, if you’re on the lookout, you’ll see how God takes care of you. 

Take a step of faith today! 

So, how much should you tithe? The answer isn’t just about a percentage. It’s about responding to God’s grace with your whole heart and trusting him with your finances. Tithing is a spiritual practice that can transform your life, and it will undoubtedly teach you to put God first. 

Still on the fence? Give tithing a test-drive with the 90-day Tithing Challenge. For 90 days, you’ll commit to bring back to God your tithe, your first 10%. At the end of 90 days, if you don’t feel like God is caring for you and nurturing you in your journey of faith, then we will give back every penny you’ve given to LCBC during the 90 days, no questions asked. Let us know if you’re ready to try it! 


Tithing challenges us to be intentional with our finances. If you’re having trouble figuring out how to give 10%, start by taking a look at where you can create margin.  


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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