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How to Choose Wisdom When Emotions Take Over

What if there was a way to step outside the fog of emotions and find a clearer path?

Personal Growth
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We've all been there: a moment where emotions take the wheel and lead us to make an impulsive decision that we regret. Maybe it was a flash of road rage that led to a heated confrontation, or an impulse purchase that emptied your wallet. Our feelings can sometimes overpower our better judgment.

But what if there was a way to step outside the fog of emotions and find a clearer path? While our feelings can cloud our judgment, God’s wisdom offers clarity and guidance in all situations.

By learning to step outside our emotions and seek guidance from God, we can find true wisdom and make decisions that lead to lasting peace and fulfillment. 

The Problem with Following Feelings 

When Emotions Take the Lead 

Emotions are powerful forces. They can drive us to act quickly and passionately, but they can also lead us astray. Maybe you can relate: The time you reacted in anger to a minor disagreement and said harsh words that caused more harm than good; the impulse to make a large purchase on a whim, only to later realize it was a financial strain; or when your feelings for your boyfriend or girlfriend caused you to cross physical boundaries established earlier in the relationship. These are common scenarios where emotions lead us to make unwise choices. 

When we let emotions take charge, we're often swayed by immediate gratification or momentary frustration. This can result in decisions that are not well thought out and can lead to regret. Emotions, though valuable, aren’t always reliable guides for making decisions that require careful consideration. 

The Biblical Perspective on Emotions 

Proverbs 28:26 offers insight into how we should handle our emotions, “Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe.” This verse warns us against relying solely on our emotions and encourages us to seek wisdom beyond our immediate feelings. Wisdom, not emotional impulse, should guide our actions. By aligning our decisions with God’s wisdom, we can navigate life’s challenges more effectively. 

The Value of God’s Wisdom 

Why Wisdom Matters 

Knowledge and wisdom are often used interchangeably, but they aren’t the same. Knowledge is about facts, while wisdom involves applying those facts in a way that leads to good decisions. For instance, knowing the symptoms of a cold is knowledge, but using that knowledge to take appropriate steps for recovery shows wisdom. 

Wisdom involves humility and the willingness to seek guidance beyond our own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 highlights this: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Wisdom comes from acknowledging that we don’t have all the answers and that God’s guidance is essential for making the right choices. 

Walking with God: A Path to Wisdom 

To “walk with God” means to integrate God’s presence into our daily lives. This involves spending time in prayer, reading scripture, and seeking God’s guidance in every decision. Imagine a person facing a tough decision who pauses to pray and reflect on scripture. By doing so, they may find clarity and peace that surpasses their initial emotional responses. 

Maybe you’ve experienced a difficult season at work before. Emotions might have told you to quit or tell your boss how you really feel. But taking the time to pause, pray, and seek God’s guidance would reveal that quitting was only avoiding the problem and telling your boss off would hurt more than just your professional relationship with them. Digging deeper than your initial impulsive choices or emotions can reveal a much bigger picture. 

Practical Steps to Walk Wisely 

Step 1: Recognize the Moment 

The first step in making a wise decision is to recognize when you are being driven by emotions. When you feel overwhelmed or highly emotional, it’s important to pause. Take a physical or mental “time-out” to regain perspective. This might involve stepping away from a heated situation or taking a few deep breaths to calm down. 

Step 2: Seek God’s Guidance 

Once you’ve regained your composure, seek God’s wisdom. This can be done through a quick prayer, reading relevant scripture, or consulting with a trusted friend or mentor. Being teachable and open to God’s direction is crucial. Remember that God’s guidance often comes in the form of peace and clarity rather than immediate answers. 

Step 3: Make the Wise Choice 

Act on the wisdom you’ve received, even if it contrasts with what your emotions initially wanted. Choosing wisdom over emotional impulses can lead to long-term peace and fulfillment. Trust that following God’s guidance will result in better outcomes than simply reacting based on how you feel in the moment. 


Emotions can easily lead us astray, but by seeking God’s wisdom, we can find a clearer path. Remember that while feelings are a natural part of life, they shouldn’t be the sole drivers of our decisions. Instead, take the time to seek God’s guidance, and allow His wisdom to lead you.

Start practicing these steps today and know that God is eager to walk with you and guide you in every decision you make. Proverbs 2:6 reminds us, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” Trust in His wisdom over your emotions, and you will find the guidance you need for a more fulfilling life. 

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