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How to Move On From Your Past

We’ve all made choices we wish we could undo and hurts we can’t let go of. Wondering how to move on from your past? Here’s some advice.

Personal Growth
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When our lives have been overshadowed by the weight of our past, it can be hard to see ahead into any future that isn’t affected by it. We all have moments we wish we could erase, choices influenced by past experiences, and emotional pain that holds us back.  

How to move on from your past 

Maybe you made a choice you wish you could undo. Maybe someone hurt you and betrayed your trust, leaving you wounded and scarred. Or maybe you’ve taken on so many negative thoughts about yourself that you’re convinced you’ll always be a failure. How do you let go of such heavy things, especially when you can’t change what happened? 

It’s time to let go, and here’s how: 

Recognize what you can’t erase 

While we can’t change the past, we can acknowledge it to God. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to bring our needs before God so we can finally stop worrying and instead experience his peace.  

God is more interested in how our stories end, not the mistakes we make along the way (Matthew 21:28-32). He doesn’t keep us bound to our past – instead, he moves us into a future free from the shackles of the things we struggle to let go of.  

In Isaiah 43:18-19, we see God speak to his people, saying, "Forget all that—it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new." God is ready to work in our present and future, helping us release the grip of our past and embrace the new possibilities he has in store for us. 

God frees us to move past our past 

The story of the apostle Paul is a powerful example of someone who moved past his past. Despite his history of persecuting, imprisoning, and killing Christians, Paul had a life-changing encounter with Jesus and found redemption.  

In Philippians 3:13, Paul says, "I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead." Paul isn’t saying his past never happened or doesn’t matter – he's handed his past over to God. 

Paul's transformation proves to us that God can free anyone - and we mean anyone – from the chains of the past and help them into a hope-filled future. The same is true for you! 

Embrace a future of hope 

God's message to us is one of hope and restoration. Through Jesus, we are offered the opportunity to leave our past behind and embrace a future of new beginnings.  

2 Corinthians 5:17 tells us that “anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old is gone; a new life has begun!” Jesus can transform our lives, wiping away our regrets and making us new.  


Letting go of the past can be hard, but it allows us to step into the future God has waiting for us. When we decide to let go of the shame and fear of our past and surrender it to God, we can experience his grace, forgiveness, and the promise of a fresh start. As you embrace the freedom in Christ to move on from your past, here are some other resources that may be helpful: 

Bouncing Back from Bad Decisions 

If God Already Knows Our Sins, Why Confess Them? 

The Two Types of Regret 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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