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How to Prepare for Retirement

Retirement is the beginning of a new chapter! Here’s how you can approach retirement with a fresh perspective and a heart open to God's plans.

Personal Growth
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Retirement isn't just the end of our working life; it's the beginning of a new chapter filled with opportunities to discover more of the purpose God has for our lives. Here’s how you can approach retirement with a fresh perspective and a heart open to God's plans. 

Seeking God's Guidance in Retirement 

Retirement provides a unique opportunity to ask, "What are your plans for me now, Lord?" By seeking God’s wisdom, we can discover how to repurpose our lives for his kingdom. Here are some questions to ask as you prayerfully consider where God is leading you in this next season. 

How can I serve others? 

One thing God calls us to all our lives is to serve others and live generously. Hebrews 13:16 reminds us not to forget to do good, and to share with others. The season of retirement opens up new doors to bless others! 

  • Mentoring and teaching: Share your wisdom and experience by mentoring younger individuals or starting a Group
  • Join a board or committee: Use your expertise to serve on a board or committee within your church or community. 
  • Look for opportunities to be generous: Consider how your resources can bless others. Could you donate an extra car, share your vacation home, or allocate funds to a non-profit? 

How can I stay focused on introducing people to Jesus? 

While the Bible doesn't provide a detailed roadmap for retirement, it offers principles to help us live this phase in a God-honoring way. From the beginning, work has been part of God's design for humanity (Genesis 2:15).  

Retirement from a job doesn't mean retiring from God's mission. Here are ways you can continue to make an impact and introduce people to Jesus in retirement: 

  • Staying productive: Even in retirement, God calls us to be productive, keeping one eye on eternity in all that we do. Our talents, possessions, and experiences can still be used for eternal purposes. 
  • Spreading the Gospel: Retirement is a time to continue spreading the gospel, introducing people to Jesus so we can together fully follow him. 

How can I prepare financially? 

While saving for retirement is wise, the Bible warns against excessive hoarding and selfish motives (Luke 12:13-21). The goal of saving should be to ensure we're not a burden on our family and to allow us to continue serving God and blessing others! 

Here are some ways to balance wise financial preparation while leaving margin for generosity: 

  • Prepare for necessary expenses like health care, housing, and other necessities. 
  • Enjoying retirement: allow yourself to spend time with family and enjoy activities you couldn't do while you were working. 
  • Storing treasures in heaven: Focus on how your savings can also be used to further God's kingdom and bless others. 

Embrace your repurposed life! 

It’s normal to feel fearful or apprehensive when heading into a new season. But remember, fear is not from the Lord. It’s from the enemy who wants us to doubt God’s ability to care and provide. Embrace retirement with confidence and excitement, trusting in God’s plan for you. 

By asking him what your new season can look like, you can live open-minded, open-handed, and open-hearted toward his answers. Trust that God’s plans for you are good! By approaching retirement with a heart open to God's guidance, we can transform this season into a time of renewed purpose and service.  


It's normal to have questions as you gear up for retirement, like "Should I tithe when I'm retired?" Find out!


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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