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Start Your Own Impact PA Serve Project: A Step-by-Step Guide

Check out some tips for starting your own Impact PA serve opportunity.

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When it comes to introducing people to Jesus, sometimes actions speak louder than words. That's why we started Impact PA – an entire day dedicated to living out the example of selflessness Jesus set for us. By getting out of our buildings and into the community, serving and meeting practical needs, we can impact more people with the love of Jesus.  

While there are plenty of existing Impact PA projects you can jump in on, you may feel compelled to start your own project! If you’re looking for inspiration or not sure how to get started, we’ve got you. Check out some tips for starting your own Impact PA serve opportunity: 

1. Figure out who you want to serve with 

The people you’re serving with will help decide what you do together. If you want to serve with your family but you have small children, you’ll know right off the bat that a handy project with hammers and power tools won’t be a good fit. 

Think about who would make this serve project meaningful and impactful – your friends, your Group, your coworkers, or anyone at all who’s interested? 

2. Think about who you feel a burden to help 

God wires us all with different gifts and skillsets – and that often comes with it a desire to help and make a difference. On your own or with the people you’re planning to serve with, think through questions like these: 

  • Who in your neighborhood has a need?  
  • What business or organization within your sphere of influence could use a blessing?  
  • What project types best suit your group’s ages and abilities? (prayer, worship, teaching, physical labor, etc.)   

You can also think about groups of people you feel a burden to help. Some great places to serve include hospitals, nursing homes, fire stations, schools, and more. Who are the people involved in these organizations that you feel most led to serve? 

This will help you identify the type of serve opportunity you and your group will be passionate about and excited to get their hands on!  

3. Think about what you’re uniquely equipped to do 

Speaking of gifts, the practical ways we’re wired can be used for the greater good. While some of your skills may seem trivial, they can actually make a big difference.  

  • If you’re artistically inclined, make a meaningful craft like calligraphy cards or an encouraging sidewalk chalk message! 
  • If you love to cook, prepare a meal for an elderly neighbor or a family you know is going through a hard time. 
  • If you have a blast working with your hands, offer to do yardwork or small repairs for a single parent, an elderly neighbor, a military family with a deployed adult, or someone with physical limitations. 

Think about the things you’re good at, that you like to do, and brainstorm some ways you can use that to help! Here are a few ideas if you need help getting started:  

  • Leave treat bags for your delivery drivers 
  • Leave encouraging messages in sidewalk chalk 
  • Donate blood to your local blood bank 
  • Clean up a widow or single parent's yard 
  • Wash cars for the faculty at an under-resourced school 
  • Clean up a local school or local park playground 
  • Deliver fresh flowers or assist with activities at a local nursing home 
  • Do a community trash clean-up – invite the neighbors to participate! 
  • Collect household items to welcome a refugee family 
  • Cook a meal or snacks and drop them off at your local police or fire station along with notes of appreciation 
  • Create care packages for staff or patients at a local hospital 
  • Identify a family with a special needs child and give the parent(s) a day out 

Ready to get started? 

Got your serve project in mind? Awesome! Fill out this form to tell us all about your project and get it into our system. We can’t wait to see the ways you think outside the box in serving your local community! 

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