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What Did Jesus Teach About Wisdom?

Jesus used lots of different stories to teach us valuable lessons about wisdom - check out what we can learn from them!

Personal Growth
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Jesus often used parables—simple, relatable, but profound stories—to share wisdom with others. These parables are as relevant today as they were over 2,000 years ago, and there’s a lot of guidance we can gain for our daily lives. Jesus had a lot to say about wisdom in these stories. 

What did Jesus teach about wisdom? 

Jesus' parables were effective because they connected with people's everyday lives. By using familiar scenarios, he made spiritual truths accessible and relatable. The wisdom contained in these stories is timeless, offering guidance on how to live wisely and make good decisions – even 2,000 years later! 

The parables of Jesus 

Parables are simple stories used to illustrate moral or spiritual lessons. Jesus used everyday situations and relatable characters to convey deeper truths in a way that those listening to him would resonate with. Here are some of the parables Jesus told to teach about wisdom: 

  • The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders: In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus tells a story of two builders: one who built his house on solid rock, and one who built his on shifting sand. A storm comes, and in the aftermath, the house on the rock is still standing, while the one on sand had collapsed. Jesus used this story to teach us the value of wisdom – without it, we may make poor decisions that set us up for future regrets.  
  • The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids: (Before we dive into this story, remember that polygamy was very much a part of culture at the time! The prospect of ten women lining up to marry the same man was something most people wouldn't bat an eye at.) In Matthew 25:1-13, ten bridesmaids wait for a groom to arrive at a wedding celebration. Five of them brought extra oil for their lamps, but the other five didn't plan ahead and ended up running out. While the five were out buying more oil, the groom finally showed up. They returned to find out the party had started and the doors were locked. Jesus chose this story to teach about the wisdom of being ready for the unexpected. 
  • The Parable of the Talents: In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus told the story of a master who entrusted his servants with talents (a form of currency). Two servants invested their talents wisely and doubled their value, while one hid his talent out of fear. The master rewarded the wise servants but reprimanded the foolish one. This parable highlights the importance of wise stewardship, making the most of the resources given to use. 
  • The Parable of the Sower: In Matthew 13:3-23, Jesus tells about a sower (a famer) who scattered seeds on different types of soil. Some seeds took root and flourished, while others withered on dry ground or got choked by weeds. This parable encourages us to reflect on how the people and situations we surround ourselves with impact our ability to receive and grow from wisdom.  

What can we learn from Jesus’ teachings about wisdom? 

Jesus used these stories to teach us some valuable lessons about wisdom. Here are 3 things we gain from these parables: 

  1. Wisdom prepares us for challenges and surprises. Like the wise man who built his house on rock or the bridesmaids who brought more than enough oil, wisdom keeps us from being left high and dry during the challenges of life. When wisdom guides our lives, we aren’t just living for our immediate wants and desires but thinking about what will serve us well in the future.
  2. Wisdom helps us get the most out of life. The servants who invested their talents saw their money grow, and they also earned the favor of their master. In the same way, when we are wise about cultivating the gifts and resources we have, we get to reap the benefits. 
  3. Wisdom helps us grow. The choices we make about the situations we put ourselves in or the company we keep can have a huge impact on our lives. When we allow wisdom to shape our surroundings, we set ourselves up for growth. 

Beyond parables, Jesus' broader teachings emphasize humility, compassion, and seeking God's will. His wisdom guides us to live with integrity, love others selflessly, and pursue a deeper relationship with God. These teachings are as relevant today as ever and give us a lasting blueprint for a wise and meaningful life. 


If you want to learn more about Jesus’ teachings or his time on earth, check out our Bible Reading Plan that follows Jesus’ life as recorded in the book of Matthew! 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you! 

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