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What Happened to Jesus After He Rose from the Dead? What Did He Do?

Celebrations like Easter center around the death and resurrection of Jesus – but do you know what happened to Jesus after he rose from the dead?

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Celebrations like Easter center around the death and resurrection of Jesus – but do you know what happened to Jesus after he rose from the dead?  

Jesus didn’t go right to heaven after he was resurrected. He actually spent weeks here on Earth, and many significant things happened. But how long did Jesus linger on Earth after conquering death? And more importantly, what exactly did he do during that time?  

What happened to Jesus after he rose from the dead? 

The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of Christianity. It's the moment when the promise of eternal life became tangible. But what happened next?  

How long was Jesus on Earth after his resurrection? 

When he rose from the dead, Jesus spent 40 days on Earth before ascending to heaven. During this time, he appeared to many people. But who exactly were the witnesses to these extraordinary encounters? 

Who saw Jesus after the resurrection? 

Jesus' post-resurrection appearances were not just quick glimpses. Jesus appeared to his disciples and engaged deeply with them, strengthening their faith and preparing them for the work ahead. Among those who saw Jesus after his resurrection were: 

But what did Jesus do in these encounters? 

What did Jesus do after his resurrection? 

We have eyewitness accounts of peoples’ experiences with Jesus after he returned from the dead. Here are some of the things Jesus is recorded doing in the 40 days he was on Earth: 

Jesus continued teaching 

Before he was crucified, Jesus spent the majority of his time teaching crowds of people wherever he went. During his 40 days back from the dead, Jesus did that again - but this time for his disciples.  

He shared more wisdom, clarified Scriptures, and prepared his disciples for their most important mission: 

Jesus gave the great commission 

Perhaps the most pivotal moment of Jesus' post-resurrection ministry is what many refer to as the Great Commission. As Jesus prepared to ascend to heaven, he commanded his disciples to make more disciples of all nations, baptizing them, and teaching them to obey everything he had commanded (Matthew 28:18-20).  

This commission wasn't just a directive for the disciples of that time but a mandate for all who would follow in their footsteps. This is how the church as we know it today was born! 

Jesus empowered his followers with the Holy Spirit 

Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to empower his followers for the mission ahead after his return to Heaven. This promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, marking the birth of the church and the continuation of Jesus' ministry through his Spirit-filled disciples (Acts 1:4-8). 

Because of this, all followers of Jesus receive the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit acts as an advocate and a guide, reminding us of Jesus’ teachings and empowering us to live as lives changed by Christ (John 14:26).  

Jesus ascended to heaven 

After 40 days completing his ministry on Earth, Jesus ascended to heaven, fulfilling the promise he made to his disciples. Yet, his departure was not the end of his presence among us. Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus continues to dwell within his followers, guiding, empowering, and changing lives to this day! 

Why it matters for us 

The fact that Jesus rose from the dead at all is the cornerstone of Christianity, but his days on Earth before returning to heaven hold incredible significance for us today. His commission to spread the gospel, and his promise of the Holy Spirit's empowering presence in our lives laid the foundation for generations of believers. His ministry didn't end with his ascension but continues through his followers even now!  


There’s a lot more to Jesus than meets the eye. Here are 10 interesting facts about Jesus that you probably didn’t know! 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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