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What Is Tithing?

Tithing is more than a financial decision – it's a spiritual practice that reflects and reveals our hearts.

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Tithing is a demonstration of putting our faith and trust in God with our finances, recognizing that he owns it all, and everything we have has come from him (Revelation 4:11). An easy way to think of tithing is having a “God first” mindset, looking to him as our provider.  

Tithing is more than a financial decision – it's a spiritual practice that reflects and reveals our hearts. God is the creator, provider, and owner of everything, and when we return our first and best to him, our tithe, we’re responding to Jesus and love he displayed for us on the cross.  

What does "tithe" mean? 

The word “tithe” means a tenth – or 10% of our income that God set apart as belonging to him. (Leviticus 27:30). By tithing, we’re reminded to always revere the Lord our God (Deuteronomy 14:23) - to have awe, respect, and gratitude for what he’s done for us. 

Tithing in the Old Testament 

In the Old Testament, tithing was the principle of offering our first and best to God, the only one worthy of it. We first see this principle demonstrated in the story of Cain and Abel: 

Abel offered the first and best of his livelihood back to God, acknowledging God as his provider. On the other hand, Cain procrastinated and gave some of what was last and left over. God’s warning to Cain addressed his heart, not his gift, showing us that God is most concerned with our heart (Gen 4:3-7). 

Tithing in the New Testament 

In the New Testament, Jesus warned us that money will try to compete for first place in our hearts. He advised that no one can serve two masters – either we serve God or we're enslaved to money (Matthew 6:24). When we tithe and willingly return our 10% back to God, it shows God that we have chosen to put him first.  

Why Does Tithing Matter? 

Tithing is the first spiritual step of trusting God with money, but it’s just the beginning. Since God embodies generosity and we are in his image, he designed us to have a generous heart as well, following the tithe (Corinthians 9:7). Here’s how tithing leads to a life of generosity and gratitude: 

  • It reminds us that God owns it all. God made the world and everything in it and he has no needs, therefore he does not need our money, but he desires we acknowledge him as our provider. (Acts 17:24-25
  • It teaches us to have reverence for God. God knows what is best for us and loves us more than anything. He says tithing will teach us to always revere the Lord our God.  (Deuteronomy 14:23
  • It teaches us gratitude for what God has done. When we tithe, God is looking for a thankful heart. (Psalm 50:14
  • It teaches us to trust God. Offering our first and best takes faith and trust. (Proverbs 3:9-10
  • It shifts our hearts from money to God. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21
  • It’s a way to join God in the important work he does through the local church. Our tithe belongs to God, and the church is where he said to bring it. Tithing invites us to join him in making a greater impact. God uses our tithe to support ministry, outreach, and helping those in need – all things Jesus cares deeply about (Acts 2:44-45)! 

If I’m a Christian, do I have to tithe? 

No. The beauty of the tithe is it didn’t start as a command, and it technically isn’t a command now. But let's take a deeper look.  

Jesus gave us a new command: “’You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40).  

Tithing our first and best back to God is a demonstration of loving the Lord our God with all our heart. It’s about our heart toward God, offering him our first and best. Therefore, we tithe willingly, as an act of love, under the freedom of the grace we have in Jesus – not because we’re required to. 

What if I’m struggling financially? 

Tithing isn’t about legalism – it’s about faith. Jesus said when we are faithful with little, we’ll be faithful with more (Luke 16:10). If you’re struggling with the decision to tithe, the best step to take is pray! Tell God you want to honor him with the tithe, and you need his help. He is pleased when our hearts are willing (Hebrews 11:6)! 

Even giving a small amount consistently is an act of faith that God honors. When you invite him to help you be a good steward of what he’s entrusted to you, he is faithful to grow your faith (Mark 12:41-44).  

Trust God in all things. He is a good Father who provides for our needs when we seek him with a heart of faith. Tithing is one way we practice that trust. When we demonstrate that trust in God, he is trustworthy to help us through our struggles and align our hearts with his.  

How do I start tithing? 

If you’re ready to make tithing a regular practice in your walk with God, here’s some guidance on how to get started: 

  1. Pray and ask God to help you trust him. Tithing takes faith, and this is what God is seeking in our hearts.
  2. Tithe first before spending elsewhere. This reflects trust in God, and you believe he is the only one worthy of your first and best. And practically, it helps you prioritize your tithe before other expenses and purchases get in the way.
  3. Be consistent – whether weekly, biweekly, or monthly.  Setting up a recurring gift is a way of putting your stake in the ground, declaring God is your priority.
  4. Watch how God moves in your life as you trust him more. We see him working when we’re looking for him expectantly 

It’s not about money 

Ultimately, tithing isn’t about money – it’s about faith, trust, and reverence for God. It’s a tangible way to commit to putting God in the only rightful place in our hearts: first. It’s also an invitation to experience God’s provision and joy in giving.  


What step can you take today to trust God with your finances? If you’re ready to tithe, check out the 90-Day Tithe Challenge! When you start the challenge, we’ll come alongside you with with encouragement and inspiring stories as you commit to bring your first 10% to him for 90 days. At the end of 90 days, if you don’t feel like God is caring for you and nurturing you in your journey of faith, then we commit to giving back every penny you’ve given to LCBC during the 90 days, no questions asked.  


Tithing is spiritual, but we also need to know the practical steps of stewarding what God has provided in a biblical way. Learn more about how LCBC can help you give your first and best to God and live a life of radical generosity. 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you

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