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What to Do When People Don’t Believe In You

It’s hard to follow God’s path for our lives when we don’t have the support of others – but it isn’t impossible.

Personal Growth
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Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, someone is always doubting you? Maybe you’ve been labeled in ways that don’t reflect who you truly are, or it seems like others have placed limits on what God can do in your life.  

It’s hard when people don’t believe in you, and it’s easy to let that doubt become the story you tell yourself. But here’s the truth: other people’s opinions don’t define your value, and they certainly don’t limit what God can do through you.  

What we're tempted to do 

When people don’t believe in us, we often try to overcompensate or protect ourselves. Without even realizing it, we start letting their voices shape our decisions. Here are a few ways we might respond: 

  • We achieve more: We work harder and push ourselves to the limit, hoping that success will quiet the doubters. 
  • We become anxious: We start worrying about every little thing, trying to measure up to others’ expectations. 
  • We become perfectionists: We obsess over making everything flawless so that no one has any reason to criticize. 
  • We give up: The weight of others' disbelief can sometimes make us want to quit before we even get started. 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of these default behaviors. But there’s a better way to respond when we face criticism and doubt. 

Those who live by people’s compliments will die by their criticism 

Proverbs 29:25 says, “Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety.” This verse isn’t talking about the kind of fear when we watch a scary movie – it's the kind of fear that makes us remember God’s power. 

But sometimes we misplace that power and fear people instead. When we live for people’s compliments and approval, we allow their criticisms to tear us down. If our self-worth depends on the praise of others, then their negativity will crush us when it inevitably comes. 

Here’s a better way: Instead of living for approval, learn to receive compliments and hand them over to God. Think of it like receiving a bouquet of flowers – graciously accept them, but then offer them up to God. You don’t need to hold onto that praise. When you stop living by compliments, you won’t die by criticism. 

What you should do instead 

So, what should you do when people doubt you? It starts with faith. Instead of getting stuck trying to prove yourself, move forward in who God made you to be. 

  • Move Forward in Faith: Take small steps of faith, trusting God to guide you in the right direction. You don’t have to figure it all out right away. Small, faithful steps enable you to take bigger and bigger steps as you build confidence. 
  • Align With God’s Purpose: Ask yourself, Am I moving toward who God created me to be, or am I becoming what others want to see? It’s an important question. Being true to God’s calling on your life may mean you’ll lose friends or notice that people don’t treat you the same way. But staying authentic to who God made you is the only way to live out his purpose for your life. 

Trust God Over People’s Opinions 

At the end of the day, what matters most is not what others say about you—it’s what God says. People will place limits on you and even doubt God’s potential in your life. But those limits don’t have to define you. You’re valuable because God says you are, and he’s the only one who has the final word on your worth. 

So, keep moving forward in faith. Live authentically, trusting that God’s opinion is greater than anyone else’s. And when people don’t believe in you, remember that God does. 


The content of this article was inspired by a message from author Dan Owolabi. Check out his message here and learn more about his book, “Authentic Leadership.” 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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