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When Jesus Said “I Am the Bread of Life,” What Did He Mean?

Jesus said "I am the bread of life." But what does that mean, and why should it matter to us?

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In John 6:35, Jesus makes a powerful statement: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”  

But “the bread of life” probably isn’t an expression we’ve seen or used anywhere else. So, what did Jesus mean when he said “I am the bread of life”? 

What did Jesus mean when he called himself the bread of life? 

In life, we tend to convince ourselves that certain achievements, possessions, or relationships will fill the emptiness we feel inside. We think that once we get the job, the house, the promotion, or the recognition, the nagging hunger for meaning will finally subside.  

And for a while, it does. Our stomachs stop growling, so to speak. But eventually, that hunger returns. Why? Because all this time, we’ve been feeding our souls with "crackers" - things that dull the hunger for a little bit but can never satisfy in the long term. 

It’s not that relationships, success, or recognition are inherently bad. But when we place our hope in temporary, non-eternal things to satisfy the deep hunger of our souls, we’ll always find ourselves coming up short. That’s where Jesus steps in and says, “Anything you look to for life outside of me will leave you hungry again.” When Jesus said, “I am the bread of life,” he was offering something that goes far beyond temporary fulfillment.  

Unlike the “crackers” of worldly accomplishments, Jesus will never leave us empty. He wasn’t just talking about physical hunger but the deep spiritual hunger so many of us feel: the hunger for meaning, purpose, and love – to be fully known. 

Jesus invites us to come to him and be filled in a way that nothing else can offer. He says, “Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.” This is an invitation to a relationship, one where our hunger for purpose and love is fully satisfied.  

No strings attached 

The best part of Jesus’ statement is the word "whoever." “Whoever comes to me will never go hungry.”   

Whoever means you don’t have to look the part to come to Jesus. It means that no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done, Jesus is standing here with open arms saying, “Come to me.” His invitation is all-inclusive. There’s no catch, no stipulations, no need to clean up your life first. 

Whether you’ve been living on “crackers” that never satisfy, made a wreck of your life, or feel like you could never be forgiven, Jesus came for you. No one is excluded from the table where Jesus invites you to eat the bread of life and experience his grace. 

Accept his invitation – it's waiting for you! 

In the same way you’d say you “devoured” a good book or “ate up” a great podcast, you can “consume” Jesus. That means reading his words, trusting in his promises, and allowing him to guide and shape our lives. It means carving out time each day to hear from him, to pray, to read scripture, and to embrace the truth of who he is. 

And here’s what we know about who Jesus is and what it means for us: 

  • He said he will never fail you or abandon you. (Hebrews 13:5
  • He said before the foundations of the world were laid, he knew you and chose you. (Ephesians 1:4
  • He said in this world you will have trouble, but take heart – he will be with you. (John 16:33
  • He said that God loved the world so much that he gave his only son for you. (John 3:16

This is the bread of life that Jesus offers: eternal fulfillment and unshakable love. And it’s available for whoever comes and believes. 

Where do you need to start? 

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you can do something today to receive the bread of life Jesus is offering you! Here are some ways to dive in and get closer in your relationship with him: 

  • Trust Jesus. When we trust Jesus, our lives begin to change. By admitting you’ve sinned and made mistakes, believing Jesus died on the cross for those sins, and accepting the gift of forgiveness and new life in Jesus, you will start an amazing journey of transformation! If you’re considering making this decision today, we’d love to talk with you – feel free to reach out
  • Make prayer a habit. In our culture, prayer isn’t exactly a foreign concept, but its meaning and power are diminished. Prayer is simply talking to God, but it’s a powerful habit you can start today that will help you go deeper in your faith and strengthen your relationship with Jesus.  
  • Read the Bible. The Bible isn’t just a book – it's full of God’s words given directly to us! If you’re not sure where to start (or pick back up), a Bible Reading Plan can help you explore the Bible based on a topic, person, or event. You might be interested in this one that follows Jesus through the book of Matthew. 

You can take one of these steps anywhere, anytime – Jesus is ready when you are! 


What else can we learn about Jesus from the Bible? Check out some interesting facts about Jesus. (Some of them might surprise you!) 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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