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Why Is It Important to Set Realistic Goals?

Not all goals are created equal. Here’s why setting realistic goals matters, and how it can help you stay motivated in life.

Personal Growth
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Setting goals can be a powerful way to bring focus and purpose to your life, especially when your goals are rooted in faith. But not all goals are created equal. 

We probably all know how it feels to bite off more than we can chew with a goal we’ve set – and that’s a path that quickly leads to frustration and failure. But setting realistic goals that are achievable and aligned with God’s plan for your life can help you stay motivated and see meaningful change in your life. 

Why is it important to set realistic goals? 

Realistic goals strike the right balance between achievable and ambitious. If a goal is too achievable, it won’t be a challenge, and you won’t feel a great sense of fulfillment once you accomplish it. But if a goal is too ambitious, it can be frustrating and discouraging, and you’re likely to give up. 

Realistic goals also allow you the opportunity to partner with God. As you prayerfully set goals and work toward them, you’ll find yourself growing just as much in your faith and trust in God as you are in the areas you specifically set goals for. 

So how do we set realistic goals? 

How to set realistic goals 

When it comes to setting goals, you want to find the balance between dreaming big and staying practical. Here are some ways you can keep your goals grounded and achievable to see the change you’re aiming for: 

1. Pray for guidance 

Before setting any goal, spend time in prayer. Ask God to how you what he wants for your life, and any areas you can grow or change. As Proverbs 16:3 reminds us, “Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” 

2. Start small 

It’s good to dream big dreams, but they can quickly overwhelm us if we don’t set goals the right way. Breaking them into smaller, actionable steps makes even the loftiest goals more attainable. For example, if you want to read the entire Bible, it’s best to start with a simpler goal first – like building the habit of reading the Bible daily, or following a Bible Reading Plan that will help you break it down into manageable sections. 

3. Write it down 

Goals feel more real when you write them down! Put your goal on a sticky note or a progress chart and make it visible. Put it somewhere you’ll see it throughout the day, like on your fridge, phone, or desk, to remind yourself of what you’re working toward. 

4. Be flexible 

Life doesn’t always go according to plan – and sometimes when we get bumped off-course, our goals get bumped off-course too. That’s okay! Give yourself grace, and trust God to redirect you. Find encouragement in the reminder from Proverbs 19:21, which says “You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” 

Why is goal setting important? 

Life change doesn’t just happen. God doesn’t hand us everything we want in life, but he does give us the tools to make lasting change and keep in step with his plans for our lives. Goals are one of the many tools he gives us to stay the course and make lasting changes when they’re necessary. 

By following these steps, you’ll set realistic, accomplishable goals that will move you toward lifelong change! 


Ready to start goal-getting? Here are 5 great areas of life to set goals in


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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