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Working Together to Support Hurricane Relief

Here's how we, as a church, can come together and support those affected by the recent hurricanes down south.

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In times of disaster, it’s natural to ask, "How can we help?" Many of you have reached out, wondering how we, as a church, can come together and support those affected by the recent hurricanes down south. Some of the most impacted include members of our own Church Online community. 

What we’re doing to support hurricane relief efforts 

This spring, we began a partnership with Convoy of Hope, an organization known for its incredible response in the wake of disasters.  

One thing Convoy of Hope does exceptionally well is logistics – getting supplies where they are needed most. Through the partnerships they've built with vendors and corporations, they’re able to fill a tractor trailer with crucial supplies for families for just $15,000 – a cost that would typically reach $40,000. 

How you can help 

After talking with Convoy of Hope this week, it’s clear that we can make a significant impact by helping to fill these trailers with much-needed supplies. While most of us can’t physically go to the affected areas, we can still be part of the solution by giving toward these resources that will directly help families in need. 

➡️ Give now to support hurricane relief efforts  

We are always blown away by your generosity and your heart to serve others. LCBC has never been a church that stands on the sidelines, and we can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together to support these communities in the coming days. 

Let’s continue to keep everyone affected by the storms in our prayers. 

How you can pray 

You may also be wondering, “How can I pray?” Here are some specific ways you can pray as hurricane relief efforts continue: 

  • Pray for those in affected areas: God, I lift up the families impacted by the recent hurricanes. I ask for your protection, provision, and comfort as they navigate this difficult time. Please bring healing and hope to those who have lost their homes, loved ones, and sense of security. Help them feel your presence as they rebuild. 
  • Pray for first responders and aid workers: God, I pray for the first responders, aid workers, and organizations like Convoy of Hope who are on the front lines providing relief. Give them strength, wisdom, and endurance as they work tirelessly to help others. Bless their efforts and make the resources they provide go further than imagined. 
  • Pray for restoration and hope: God, I ask for restoration for the regions devastated by the hurricanes. Bring new hope and opportunities for those affected, and may this season of recovery be marked by your grace and provision. Help these communities rebuild stronger than before. 


LCBC stands for Lives Changed By Christ. We are one church in multiple locations across Pennsylvania. Find the location closest to you or join us for Church Online. We can’t wait to connect with you!

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