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Read: Matthew 19:4-6Ephesians 5:25-26

Marriage has always been a hot topic, and back in the first century, just like today, divorce happened for all sorts of reasons. There's even a record from that time that says you could divorce your spouse if they over-salted your food!   

Jesus challenges this fickle approach to marriage. In Matthew 19, he says that if you’re asking what the minimum threshold is for walking out on your spouse, you're already missing the bigger picture of what marriage can truly be and the purpose it serves in our lives.  

Ephesians 5 shows us what God really intended marriage to look like: “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.” While this verse is addressing husbands – who had all the divorcing power at that time – the principle applies to both spouses. Marriage is about mutual sacrifice.  

A strong marriage is about laying down our personal preferences and desires for the good of our spouse. Over the next four days, we’ll explore four practical ways to do this in your marriage. When you apply these principles, you’ll foster a deeper, stronger connection with your spouse – just like the one Jesus described. 
