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Read: Romans 12:10

Honor means doing everything you can to make someone feel important, valued, and loved. Serving and honoring our family can sometimes be harder than serving the people in our communities. Like we read yesterday, it can be hard to find joy in serving others, especially when we’re feeling burned-out or exhausted.  

Romans 12:10 is a great verse to keep close by when you’re feeling drained. You can write this verse on a sticky note and put it in places you'll see it often as a reminder to serve and honor the people closest to you. 

What does it look like for you to show honor to someone in your family today? What can you do to make them feel important and loved? 

Pray: God, thank you for family. Help us to always remember to honor them and be joyful in serving them. Help us to see our family members as you see them. Remind us that it is important to love and serve within our own families. Most of all, thank you for making us part of your family. We love you. Amen.  
