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Bible Reading / All In | A Baptism Bible Reading Plan

Day 1: What is Baptism?


Read: Romans 10:8-9

Additional reading: Ephesians 2:8-9, Colossians 2:12

Whether you’re ready to take the leap and be baptized,or you’re just interested in learning more about it, we’re so excited for you! Over the next 5 days we want to explain the concept of Baptism and help you discover if it’s your best next step in fully following Jesus. We’ll also address some emotions or concerns you may be feeling as you think about Baptism.

Let’s start with what baptism is not. Baptism is not what saves you from your sins. Jesus did that when he died on the cross for your sins. If you’ve made the decision to place your trust in Jesus, then God has given you the free gift of grace and paid the price for your sins.

Baptism is a physical symbol of how Jesus rose from the grave to defeat death on the third day. In the same way that Christ was lowered into the grave and then rose, you are submerged in the water and then rise out of it.

Baptism is simply an outward symbol of this inward transformation that has occurred in you. It’s a public declaration that you are choosing to live a life that pleases God.

Challenge: Take some time to thank God for the work he did in you to save you from your sins.
