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Bible Reading / All In | A Baptism Bible Reading Plan

Day 3: Your story will impact others


Read: Acts 9:1-22

Yesterday we learned that Baptism is an opportunity to follow Jesus. Choosing to follow Jesus is the best decision you’ve ever made. Baptism is a way for you to tell everyone in your life about this amazing decision.

When you have news that’s as good as the news of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, you have to share it! Our faith is personal and powerful, not private.

The Apostle Paul was an early church leader and authored 13 of the books of the Bible. However, before that, he was a Pharisee known as Saul and one of the biggest enemies of the young Church. Saul would purposely seek out followers of Jesus and have them imprisoned, beaten, and killed. When Saul had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, his whole life changed. He went from taking Christian’s lives, to risking his own life to spread the Gospel at any cost.

Acts 9:22 says when the people heard Paul’s story, they were amazed. They could not believe his life had been changed in such a big way by Jesus.

You may not always feel like it, but your story of life change has the same power that Paul’s had. The story of how God has worked in your life can impact countless other people with the good news of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.

When we get baptized, it gives us an opportunity to proclaim before our friends, family, and neighbors what God has done for us. How exciting is that? Imagine your friends and family coming to know Jesus after hearing the story of how Christ changed your life.

Challenge: Pray for the people that you want to invite to be there for your Baptism and then invite them!
