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Bible Reading / All In | A Baptism Bible Reading Plan

Day 5: Doubts and parties


Read: Psalm 18:28-50

Additional Reading: Philippians 4:6-7

But what if you’re scared or don’t feel ready?

We hope at this point you’re excited and looking forward to making a public declaration about your faith in Jesus. But, perhaps you’re feeling unsure or anxious. That’s totally okay! That means you’re feeling the weight of your decision.

Have you ever been to a wedding with lots of dancing, excitement, laughter, and tears of joy? Weddings are a celebration of a commitment between two people who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together. The wedding is not what makes the couple fall in love, it is simply a celebration of the love that they already possess.

Baptism is a lot like that—a party and a celebration of the commitment you’ve made to follow Jesus. But that doesn’t mean you won’t feel nervous, or something won’t go wrong the day before or day of your baptism. Often, obstacles present themselves right before people are given the opportunity to be baptized. Don’t let a momentary setback keep you from making the right decision. You serve a God bigger than any of the problems in your life and he will care for you no matter what.

Challenge: Take some time praying to God and praising him today! And if you feel ready, start the conversation about getting baptized!
