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Read: Proverbs 13:20

As parents, we know that school surrounds our kids with peers from all walks of life – each bringing their own lived experience, points of view, and influences. In this sea of interactions, Proverbs 1:7 offers us simple wisdom, particularly in the realm of friendships.  

Our kids are going to rub shoulders with all kinds of people throughout the school year. Not all of these connections will be positive influences. In these moments, it's crucial to teach our children the importance of using discernment in choosing their close friends. They must realize that their inner circle plays a significant role in shaping their perspectives and choices. They will become who their friends are. 

So, they must use wisdom in choosing their friends. In a world where parents cannot be with their children all the time, our children must use these filters for themselves. If we can teach them how to filter relationships in their earlier years, they will be better equipped to do the same as adults and form life-giving friendships. 
