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When you’re in a season of unknowns like the Israelites were, it can feel like all your security is stripped away. You start to long for the things that made you feel safe and satisfied – even if they weren’t the best for you. 

In the wilderness, the Israelites complained about their hunger, longing for the comforts of Egypt. God responded by providing manna and quail. This wasn’t the food they were used to eating, but it taught them to recognize that God would provide just what they needed to get through that tough season.  

When we experience seasons of scarcity, where we feel insecure, it’s easy to complain or panic. But remember that God is your ultimate provider. In times like these, you can learn to rely on God and rest in the fact that he will take care of you and see you through your struggle. Today, try pausing and thanking God for one way he’s provided for you recently. 
