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Bible Reading / Finding God by the Ocean

Day 1 | The Majesty of the Ocean

Read: Psalm 104:24-25Psalm 139:9-10 

The ocean is such an amazing reminder of God's power and creativity. Standing by the shore, you can truly feel the vastness and beauty of his creation. Each wave, each grain of sand, and the endless horizon reflect His incredible grandeur and care. 

Take some time today to walk along the beach or sit by the water. Listen to the soothing rhythm of the waves and let it remind you of God's constant presence and his unchanging nature. The ocean, with its depth and mysteries, mirrors the depth of God's love and the endlessness of his grace. 

Prayer: God, as I stand by the ocean and take in its beauty, help me to see your majesty and feel your presence. Fill my heart with awe and gratitude for your creation and your love. 
