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Bible Reading / Giving Up Control

Day 2: Gideon with 300


Day 2 Verse: Judges 7

Can you imagine facing an army of over 100,000 people, with just a group of 300? Gideon experienced this with his army. In fact, God kept trimming his army down so that there would be no doubt that God was the one who delivered his people. Gideon needed to majorly give up control to God - he needed to trust that God was going to make good on his promise, because his life depended on it.

As you read this incredible story, remember that our God is capable of handling anything. There is nothing that you have done that he doesn’t already know. He is full of love for you. Today, you may not literally be facing a large army, but it may still feel like there’s a war going on in your life. What is it you’re fighting? What is your battle today? Tell God about it, and watch as he fights for his people in the story of Gideon, the same way he fights for you.
