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Bible Reading / Grateful to God

Day 3 - God is Caring


Read Matthew 6:19-34

In our first two days, we read over and over that God’s faithful love endures forever. We can be grateful for the truth that the God of the universe loves us. Have you ever had someone in your life who you knew loved you, but didn’t show it well? Maybe you grew up living with your dad after your parents divorced. You knew your mom loved you, but she never cared enough to call you on your birthday. Or maybe you wondered if anyone would text you after your post on social media. Or perhaps you’re questioning if you yourself are doing a good job showing how much you care to your spouse. Just because someone loves you, doesn’t mean they show it well through acts of care. It’s easy to project our relationships onto our relationship with God. If we haven’t experienced it on earth, it can be difficult to believe that God would show us the type of care that we’ve longed for.

In today’s verse, Jesus tells us just how much God cares for us through comparisons to nature. “And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you.” (Matthew 6:30). Jesus reminds us that God meets the needs of even the smallest creatures because he cares for us as his children (1 John 3:1). When we find ourselves wondering if anyone will be there for us, we can count on God to care for our needs. Whether it’s to comfort, to clothe, to listen or to love, He is there.

Prayer Time

  • Take a moment to write down 3 ways God has shown his care for you and thank God for them.
  • Tell God how thankful you are that he cares for you - be specific in the ways you feel cared for.
  • Are you feeling anxious or worried that God won’t provide something for you? Tell him about your anxiety and ask him for what you need. Ask him to show you what he wants for you.
  • Are you currently feeling like God isn’t caring well for you? Talk to him. Tell him what you need to feel like he’s caring for you. Ask him to show you in a practical way how he is caring for you and ask him to allow you to feel his presence closely today.