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Bible Reading / Grateful to God

Day 4 -God is Peace


Read Philippians 4:1-8

Yesterday we heard Jesus teach about not worrying because God cares for us. Today he adds to that through the idea of peace when we pray. “Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4: 7)

What are you worrying about today? Satan wants us to think things that are not true (John 8:44) and believe that God doesn’t want what’s best for us. You may be concerned about anything from paying your bills, to homeschooling your kids to just finishing what’s on your plate at work. When we have the opportunity to reflect on how God has been with us every step of the way (v 6), we are reminded how God has seen us through circumstances that we previously didn’t know how we were going to get through. God wants us to experience peace. Remember his unending love, his faithful love endures forever.

Prayer Time

  • Take a moment to write down 3 ways God has been with you so you could experience peace and thank God for them.
  • Paul tells us in v6 to pray about everything. What is on your heart today that you want to talk to God about? Is it a worry? Is it an ask? Is it a confession? When you talk to God, he will grant you peace “which exceeds anything we can understand.” (v7)
  • Thank God for the gift of peace in your life. Reflect on how he has brought you peace in times of uncertainty.
  • Perhaps today, you need to take several minutes to just focus on God. Find a quiet place and ask God to remind you he is the God of peace!