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Bible Reading / How Does God Heal Us?

Day 3 | Emotional Healing

Read: Psalm 13:2Psalm 147:3John 14:272 Timothy 1:7Psalm 30:11

We’ve all struggled with some type of emotional wound, so it’s easy to relate to Psalm 13:2, which says, “How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day?”

There is some pain that runs so deep, no words can express the raw, gaping wound they cause in your heart and mind. The world, in its fallen state, can be a heartbreaking place. But even in despair, there is the possibility of light. 

There’s something powerful about the simple statement of Psalm 147:3: “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.” Much like a doctor sets a broken bone, God wants to bind our heartbreaks and emotional wounds to draw us closer to him and grant us the time and grace needed to heal.

In a world filled with worry and anxiety, God promises us in John 14:27 “a peace of mind and heart” and encourages us not to be afraid. 2 Timothy 1:7 puts it this way, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear…but of power [and] love.”

When you are mourning a loss, remember that grief works in stages and so does healing. Eventually, as you bring your sadness to God and work at healthy coping mechanisms, he will help turn your “mourning into dancing” and clothe you with “joy”. (Psalm 30:11)

As you are on your emotional health journey, make sure you don’t go alone! Talk to a trusted friend or mentor about what you’re going through. You may also find it helpful to talk to a pastor or a mental health professional - we’d love to connect you with one near you!

What’s one action you can take today to begin the process of emotional healing?

Prayer: God, thank you for emotions - I know they help me experience this life to its fullest. Please help me as I struggle with fractured emotions in response to ways I’ve been wounded so that I can find healing.
