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Read 1 Peter 2:11-12

If we’re honest, Christianity has an image problem. Perhaps that’s because we focus on the wrong priorities. Many Jesus followers want to debate people into a relationship with Jesus or focus on issues that have little to do with our faith. The problem is we can’t argue someone into God’s kingdom.

So what can we do to impact our world and change the perception of the Church? Let’s take our cues from the early Church. The early Church spread like a wildfire because of their radical generosity and love! Being rich in good deeds is a way to point people to our faith and ultimately to Jesus. We can pray that because of God’s power through us, our good deeds point people to Jesus. Doing good things isn’t to impress others or make us feel better. We are planting good seeds that can one day grow into a deeper faith as others meet Jesus and take the next steps with him.
