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Bible Reading / Jesus (In His Own Words)

Day 1 | "I Am the Bread of Life"


What did Jesus mean when he called himself “the bread of life”? Just like bread is something we need to keep us going physically, Jesus says that we need him to keep us going spiritually.  

There’s a deep kind of hunger in each of us that only Jesus can satisfy. We might try to fill that emptiness with other things – success, approval from others, comfort, or entertainment – but Jesus offers something that actually lasts. 

When we come to him, he meets us with what we really need: purpose, connection, and a relationship with God. The truth is, everything else in life that we chase after can only give us temporary satisfaction. But Jesus promises us something more, something lasting and fulfilling. 

Take a minute to think about what you’ve been relying on lately. Where do you turn to feel satisfied or secure? What would it look like to turn to Jesus instead? Today, ask him to fill the places where you feel empty and to help you trust him as your source of life. 

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for being the bread of life that truly satisfies. Help me trust you to meet my needs, even when I’m tempted to look elsewhere. Give me the strength to rely on you today and every day. 
