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Bible Reading / Joshua: Entering God’s Promised Land

Day 1 | Courage to Trust God


Have you ever been traveling, and just as you’re about to reach your destination, there’s a traffic jam? GPS says only three more miles, but the highway is bumper to bumper. You can almost taste the salt of the sea, but you’re stuck. How frustrating!

The Israelites are standing on the eastern edge of the Jordan River. Forty years before, Moses had led them out of slavery in Egypt. God had performed a miracle at the Red Sea, parting it so they could cross on dry land. God was with them as they wandered in the Wilderness, providing food and water in the desert. For forty years, the people of Israel looked forward to the Promised Land of God.

And now they’re on the edge of it, and they have to stop. 40 years ago, Israelites scoped out the land, only to find there were lots of powerful, dangerous people there. At that point, , they didn’t think it was worth the risk. But now, even though Joshua’s spies returned with the same news, their confidence had shifted.

The same powerful people live in the land. The Israelites are facing the same prospect of war to conquer this land. But now, after forty years in the desert, they have faith and courage because they know that the LORD, the name for God that means he keeps his promises, has never left them. He won’t leave them now.

He won’t leave you, either, no matter what you’re facing today. Look to God and be courageous!

Pray: Dear God, you will never leave me! I trust you for everything I need today. Help me to face this day with courage, strength, and joy. Amen.
