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Read: John 13:1-5

One of Jesus’ own disciples, a man who was in his inner circle, betrayed Jesus and handed him over to the religious leaders, essentially acting as a catalyst to the events of the crucifixion. What’s crazy though, is Jesus knew all along. He wasn’t surprised by Judas’ actions. Before calling Judas to follow him as his disciple, he knew how it would all go down. On the night of the Passover, what we refer to as the Last Supper, Jesus not only knowingly washes his betrayer’s feet, but he sits him in the place of honor next to himself! But why? Extravagant grace and undeserved favor is the way of Jesus.

The pain of betrayal can derail our lives. We can grow angry, cynical, and coldhearted by the wounds that others inflict on us. But what if instead of turning bitter, we choose the better way forward? Rather than seeking revenge, how could we return good for evil? Let’s look to Jesus. Even though we turned our backs on God (Genesis 2 & 3) - Jesus stepped into our world to make a way back to God. So next time someone does something to you that you don’t deserve, do something for them that they don’t deserve. Pray for them, serve them, speak well of them, forgive them. Grace and forgiveness are possible because of the cross.
