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Bible Reading / LCBC: Why We Exist

Day 3: Our Plan to Fully Follow Jesus


Read: Acts 2

Remember the definition of ‘disciple’ that we talked about? If we are dedicated to introducing people to Jesus and making disciples, and then teaching those disciples how to live like Jesus, it’s always good to have a plan to follow. In LCBC’s case, we call our discipleship model Gather, Connect, Serve, and Get Out (sometimes you’ll see GSCGO for short!).

Acts 2 gives us this example of why LCBC exists as a church: in verses 42-47, we read where the concept of gathering, connecting, serving, and getting out comes from. The verses show that people were regularly gathering to hear teaching from the followers of Jesus - this lines up with what we do on the weekends - gathering together to worship and hear a message preached from the Bible about how to live what Jesus taught.

But the people in these verses didn’t just gather in large groups to hear teachings - they also gathered in homes and got to know one another on a personal level, where they could have deep discussions together. This is where we can see connecting in Groups and how important it is to take time to dig into our faith on a personal level with others.

Serving is seen in these instances too - when people gather together, there’s a need for food, for cleaning up, for leading discussions. Each person has unique gifts and talents that they can use to serve one another in the name of Jesus. This is why we encourage everyone to use their gifts to serve in an area of our church.

And finally, we can be encouraged to live generously - with our time, our resources, and our finances. By getting out into our communities and being the hands and feet of Jesus, we’re showing his love to others with our actions, not just our words.
