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Read 1 Peter 4:8-9

Cheerful Company
Is it a coincidence that Peter positions the idea of “showing deep love” for others right next to sharing time and space with people? Yes, there is absolutely an aspect to what he’s saying that is talking about helping to meet physical needs. But we also know that sharing time, space, and especially a meal with those around us also helps meet emotional needs for connection.

But notice the first part of that instruction from Peter? How should we share our space and our time?


Our attitude matters with all of the Love Languages, but especially when it comes to quality time. Don’t spend time with the people you love out of obligation. If it seems like you would rather be somewhere else, you might be there physically, but you aren’t emotionally. And you won’t fill anyone’s love tank that way.

How can you cheerfully spend time with those you love today?
