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We all know the scene: it’s a beautiful day outside and your home is filled with toys and activities. What does your child say? “I’m bored!”  

Boredom isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it can inspire our creativity or make us more aware of our surroundings. It can even draw attention to the opportunities God’s putting in front of us to do something good!  

Here’s how you can encourage your child to lean into boredom and seek to do something productive with it: 

  • Encourage your child to engage in serving others. Rake leaves or pull weeds in a neighbor’s yard, walk the dog, create cards for a loved one far away, and more. 
  • Support your kids in reading the Bible, watching their weekly programming on, journaling to God, or creating invitations for others to join them at church. 
  • Take a walk with together and explore God’s beautiful creation. Take photos, draw pictures, or make a list of their favorite creations! 

Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for creating my kids to be fun, excited, and engaged in the world around them. I pray that in moments of boredom you remind them of your presence. Help me to lead them toward you and celebrate your wonderful creation. Amen. 
