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Sickness in itself isn’t an emotion, but it can bring about our emotional side from time to time! No one likes to feel sick, and it happens all too often to our kids. As parents, we want to help our children to heal and recover from their physical ailments and to find comfort in the Lord. Here’s how you can encourage them: 

  • Give them time to recover. This may mean straying from their typical routine, allowing them time to watch their favorite show or kidVenture Island Programming, or rest while listening to quiet worship music. 
  • Pray for and with your child. Remind them that all things happen in God’s timing, and that he has the ability to heal and make them feel better. While they may feel frustrated that they don’t immediately feel better, remind them that God cares for them and hurts when they hurt. 
  • Invite others who care for your kids to pray for them, too! Let your child know that others are praying for their recovery. This helps them to feel seen, known, and loved. 

Prayer: Dear God, You know the pain we feel when our kids are sick. Please be present with them in times of illness. Provide swift recovery and healing. Remind them that you are with them, and they can come to you for rest. Amen. 
