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Bible Reading / Rethinking What it Means to Help Those in Need

What Should My Response Be?


Read - Luke 10:25-37

Devotional: You might have done a double-take at the reading assignment. Today we revisit the same story about the good samaritan from Luke; however, we focus on a different element of the story. Turn your attention to the part where Jesus wraps up the conversation saying, “ ‘Go and do likewise’” (verse 37). It’s not enough to just think about what it means to care for the vulnerable. Jesus calls us to take action, to “ ‘Go and do likewise.’ “ This could look like reaching out to that person you know is going through a tough time, even though they get on your nerves. It could look like exploring donating to or volunteering for a local non-profit that is doing great work with the under-resourced in your community.

Prayer: God, please guide me as I consider where you are calling me to love my neighbor. Please open my eyes to see the neighbor I might not have before. Please give me wisdom to know how to show mercy and courage to be a living example of your love for them.
