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Read - Isaiah 1:17

Devotional: Sometimes we think of caring for the oppressed in terms of caring for the materially disadvantaged. We might think of poverty only in terms of money and physical resources. The reality is, need is far more complex than lack of stuff. It can be lack of hope, lack of confidence, or even lack of supportive relationships. When we think of it this way, ultimately, we are all vulnerable, we are all in need in some way. We all need restoration in our relationship with God, self, others, or our world. Isaiah refers to the oppressed, to children without fathers, and women without spouses. These were groups of people in their culture who were often the most vulnerable. Who are the vulnerable groups around us today? What difference does it make to recognize my own need as I try to help others?

Prayer: God, thank you for the opportunity to rethink the boxes we tend to put people in. Thank you for reminding us that we all experience brokenness in some way and are in need of your grace and restoration. Please open my eyes to see who is vulnerable around me and give me courage to advocate for them.

*This perspective comes from the work of Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert as seen in their book When Helping Hurts. Check it out if you want to learn more!
