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Listen to:  Rise

Read: 1 Peter 1:3-5

Additional scripture: Ephesians 2:4-7

Lyrics from Rise (Live) by LCBC Worship:

I once was lost

So incomplete

I could not find my way

But mercy brought me to my knees

And pulled me from the grave

All praise to God our father

All praise to Christ the perfect Son

Because He rose

I found my hope

I’ll rise with the risen one

Have you ever been moved toward intense gratitude and hope by someone pointing out your flaws? Typically, we are our own worst critics and don’t need more voices adding to those reminders. We know the depths of our brokenness better than anyone else. It’s easy to recycle thoughts of shame and guilt for the things we’ve done. Or the mistakes we continue to make.

Yet, in the middle of our mess, Jesus came to rescue us and take the weight upon himself. He doesn’t require us to clean it all up first. He doesn’t require us to stop doing that thing before he will accept us. God chose mercy. Mercy is defined as showing compassion and forgiveness to someone instead of punishment.

Have you ever been moved toward intense gratitude and hope by someone who showed you mercy? That’s exactly what God has done for us when he sent his son Jesus to die a brutal death, take on the weight of our sin, and rise from the grave. This resurrected Savior gives us a chance for new life and reason to sing praise to him.

As you read through these passages that inspired the song “Rise,” allow these truths to move your heart towards gratitude and hope today!
