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Bible Reading / Rise EP Bible Reading Plan

Day 5: Take My Life


Listen to: Take My Life

Read: Romans 12: 1-8


Take my life and let it be

Consecrated Lord to Thee

Take my moments And my days oh Lord

Take my will and make it Thine

It shall be no longer mine

Take my heart it is thine own oh Lord

Take my life and let it be

The word surrender often gets a bad rap. For the person who is surrendering it may seem that they have lost something. In fact, just hearing the word surrender brings to mind someone who is defeated, conquered, or has been gotten the better of. But as with all things when it comes to our heavenly Father, the word surrender takes on a new meaning. In this scripture Paul says something interesting. He says, “I urge you to offer your bodies…” to God. Another version uses the word “plead.” Why would Paul ask us to do something that is so antithetical to what we would naturally want to do? Maybe it was the words of Jesus that rang in his heart, “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it” (Matthew 16:25). Paul found out the key to living is giving, offering, surrendering our lives to the one who creates life. He urges us because there is no better person to surrender ourselves to than the God of the universe. It is in that surrendering that we find purpose and begin to live a life that pleases the Father.
