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Let’s Look Closer: Nebuchadnezzar died, and Belshazzar is ruling in Babylon now. Like his grandfather, Belshazzar is prideful but takes things to a new level of poor leadership. An invading army is right outside the walls of his city, and he decides to throw a party.

Like previous stories, Daniel has been forgotten but is brought back for answers in these confusing times. Daniel reminds the king of what God had done in Nebuchadnezzar’s time and lets him know he hasn’t learned from his grandfather’s mistakes.

Daniel is offered rewards for his service but doesn’t want them. He knows these rewards will do him little good since Babylon will fall that night.

Takeaway: Sometimes, we chase after rewards like fame, fortune, comfort, etc. We should remember, like Daniel, that these things are temporary. God is the one who will rule for eternity, and pleasing him is a much better investment of our time, energy, and money!
