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Bible Reading / The Power of Prayer

Day 2: Prayer Isn’t Always Private


Read: Matthew 6:9-13

Additional Scripture: James 5:16

When most of us think of prayer, it usually looks something like this: go into your bedroom to get away from the distractions, close your eyes, fold your hands, and talk to God quietly under your breath or in your head. That’s a great way to pray, but if this is the only way we pray, we’re actually missing out on a big piece of how God intended us to talk with him.

In Matthew Chapter 6, Jesus was teaching about prayer and gave an example that has become known as the Lord’s Prayer. Although there is a lot to learn about prayer from studying the whole thing, we need to look no further than the first word to change our perspective on prayer. Jesus begins, “Our Father….”. Jesus intentionally uses plural language. God isn’t just my father, but our Father. The whole prayer is riddled with “we”, “us”, and “our” language. In other words, prayer is something we are supposed to do together.

James was the half-brother of Jesus, and in his letter to the Jewish-Christians scattered throughout the region, he said, “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” Prayer is a powerful thing – especially when we do it together! If you’ve never tried praying with someone before, you’re missing out on the unique power of God that is expressed when his followers come together in prayer. Who has God put into your life that you can be praying with?
