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Bible Reading / The Power of Prayer

Day 3: Prayer Strengthens Our Relationship With God


Read: Luke 5:16

Additional Scripture: Mark 1:35; Hebrews 10:22

If you believe that God is all-knowing and all-powerful (which he is), you may have wondered why we need to bother praying to him. If he knows everything, why do we need to say it? As with most questions, the best place to look for answers is with Jesus. Jesus has the perfect relationship with God. He told his disciples that “The Father and I are one.” Although Jesus had the most intimate relationship with God imaginable, he still spent lots of time praying. In fact, we read regularly throughout the Gospels that Jesus would slip away to spend time alone with God in prayer, often for long stretches of time. Jesus didn’t pray because he needed to reveal anything new to God – he spent time in prayer simply because he wanted to enjoy the relationship!

God desires a relationship with us, and as we all know, good relationships require communication. He wants to know us and make himself known to us because he loves us. We have access to our Heavenly Father any time we want, and he is inviting us to spend time with him to deepen our relationship with him. Talking with him about what’s on our hearts and minds won’t surprise him, but it will definitely please him.
