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The Story of Ruth

This is a reading plan for the book of Ruth. It is a book that has been carried down through hundreds of years and finally committed to writing between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. It is the story of a young woman from the country of Moab (a country East of Israel) at about 1200 BC. This young woman marries a young Jewish man and lives with his family on a plot of land in Moab until her husband dies. When her mother-in-law (herself widowed) decides to move back to Israel, Ruth clings to her and vows to stay with her and move to Israel. It is a remarkable story of loyalty, integrity, and how God uses people from all over to accomplish his will.

Our reading plan will include a daily portion of scripture to read, some questions to think through, and a challenge for the day. To get the most out of the experience, find a quiet place where you can invest 15 minutes each day. It would also be helpful to have a notebook or journal to record your thoughts. Above all, keep an open mind about what God might accomplish over the next several days.
