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Bible Reading / What Does the Bible Say About Dating?

Day 3: Purity matters


Read: Proverbs 4:23 

When we’re dating, it's crucial to guard our hearts and maintain purity, both in our actions and thoughts. The Bible teaches us that our hearts are the wellspring of life, and everything we do flows from them. Therefore, it's crucial to protect our hearts from negative influences and behaviors that can lead us away from God's desires for our lives. 

Discuss with God how you can honor purity in your dating relationship. Purity isn't just about physical boundaries but also about maintaining honorable intentions, thoughts, and emotions. Seek his guidance and ask for the strength to resist temptations. 

Pray: God, I know it's important to guard my heart and maintain purity in a dating relationship. Help me stay true to the values and desires you have for my life. Let my dating relationships be a reflection of your values. Amen
