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Bible Reading / Who God Says You Are

Day 2 | You are God’s Masterpiece

Read: Ephesians 2:8-10

Some things are made for beauty’s sake, to give us something pretty to look at, like a painting on a wall or a marble sculpture. They don’t have a significant purpose other than our enjoyment.

But some things are created with a specific purpose in mind. Think of the items in your kitchen, or the tools in your toolbox. A colander strains water, whether you’re draining the pasta or rinsing berries. You wouldn’t use a colander for your morning cereal. A pair of wire snips will cut the wire to the correct length, but you wouldn’t use wire snips to attach a fan belt. You get the idea.

God has created each of us with gifts, talents, and strengths so that we can impact others. Maybe you are a safe place for young children to learn and grow. Maybe you are an administrator that keeps an organization running smoothly. Maybe you are handy with tools – kitchen or garage – and are good at fixing what’s broken. Have you found a place to use those gifts?

But more generally, God has given us all a common purpose. 1 Peter 2:9-10 tells us he has created us to be a chosen people so that we can show others the goodness of God. In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus tells his disciples to go out into the world and make disciples – to introduce people to Jesus and, together, fully follow him.

God created you with a purpose in mind. You are NOT an accident. Your life is NOT pointless. This world would NOT be better without you. If these are thoughts that run on a loop in your mind, please reach out - whether to a trusted friend or family member, someone here at LCBC, or a mental health professional. You shouldn’t sit alone with those kinds of thoughts.

Prayer: Dear God, I want to live my life for you. I want to follow you with everything I have and everything I do. Help me to find the place where my gifts and talents can help others follow you, too. Amen.
