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In David's last teaching series as senior pastor, we're going to look back over his last 3 decades of ministry at LCBC and what we can learn about living a life of enduring purpose.

Growth In The Waiting

Jason Mitchell · November 20, 2022

Waiting on our dreams to be fulfilled isn’t fun. But God often grows our character most in seasons of waiting. As we recognize his transition to senior pastor at LCBC, Jason shares how he’s grown in the waiting, and some of his dreams and visions for the future as we move into a new season as a church.

All In | Baptism Weekend

Jason MItchell · November 13, 2022

Change is possible. You’re never too far gone for God to do an amazing work in your life. If that’s hard for you to believe, just listen to these stories of life change as people declare they’ve surrendered to Jesus and are lives continually being changed by Christ.

Honoring Leadership

Jason Mitchell · November 6, 2022

“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” -Romans 12:10. As we transition senior leadership at LCBC Church, we take time to look back and honor David & Ruth's faithful leadership over the past 32 years.

Words To Live By

David Ashcraft · October 30, 2022

In his final message as senior pastor of LCBC, David shares a final charge for how we can continue to be a church and people who are built to last. We take communion and remember that ultimately, it is all about Jesus.

Being A Benefit To Others

David & Ruth Ashcraft · October 23, 2022

In David's last teaching series as senior pastor, we're going to look back over his last 3 decades of ministry at LCBC and what we can learn about living a life of enduring purpose.

Remember Why You Started

David Ashcraft · October 16, 2022

As a church, we have one singular vision that drives everything we do: to introduce more people to Jesus and together fully follow him. Over the years there have been many good causes that we could’ve focused on, but they would’ve distracted us from our mission and vision. David gives us 3 practical steps for how to stay focused on why we started.

Four Decades Of Music

David Ashcraft · October 9, 2022

Music has been essential to LCBC since the beginning. It can help us put words to the feelings we’re experiencing. It can help us talk to God and convey our adoration for him. We brought worship leaders from all of our locations together to relive some of the most memorable music moments we’ve shared over the past 4 decades.

Built To Last | Living A Life Of Enduring Purpose

David Ashcraft · October 2, 2022

After more than 3 decades as Senior Pastor at LCBC, David is getting ready to transition that leadership role to the next pastor. Along the way, he has learned many lessons on what it takes to build a church that’s built to last. So what decisions can we make a positive impact in the future?